At Real Meals, our love for the outdoors runs deep, and we know that sentiment resonates with you too. Preserving the beauty and integrity of our natural spaces is not just a choice, but a necessity. After all, without pristine wilderness to explore, our business wouldn’t thrive. That’s why environmental stewardship is at the core of everything we do.

You might wonder: why do we still use plastic bags if we’re so committed to sustainability? It’s a valid question, and the answer is simple. At present, there isn’t a viable alternative that matches the durability and functionality of plastic. We eagerly await advancements in technology that will provide us with compostable, airtight bags capable of withstanding boiling water. Rest assured, when such innovation becomes available, we’ll be quick to embrace it.

In the meantime, we’re taking proactive steps to minimise our environmental impact while still delivering exceptional meals for your outdoor adventures. As proud members of the Soft Plastics recycling scheme, we contribute financially to the responsible recycling of these materials. You can easily participate by depositing your used Real Meals bags in designated Soft Plastics collection bins, conveniently located near you. Find your nearest collection point through this link:

Alternatively, you can support the recycling process by purchasing Soft Plastics courier bags from NZ Post. Simply wash and dry your used Real Meals bags, fill the courier bag, seal it, and either arrange for a courier pickup or drop it off at your local NZ Post Store. Your contribution helps transform these plastics into durable, long-lasting products through initiatives like

While it’s true that purchasing these bags entails a cost, we’ve found that just one or two bags easily accommodate all your Real Meals packaging over a year of adventures. It’s not merely an expense—it’s an investment in the health of our planet and the preservation of our cherished outdoor spaces.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to you, our environmentally conscious customers, for joining us in this journey toward a greener, more sustainable future. Together, we’re making a real difference, one meal at a time. Thank you for being responsible stewards of our planet, and for choosing Real Meals as your partner in outdoor dining.


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